In the competitive world of advanced technology and product development, industry has experienced an even greater need to provide product dependability and a greater length of operational warranties. Performance requires materials to be used at ranges near their maximum capabilities and one major concern has always been structure and fastener corrosion problems.

Through research and co-operation with leading industry manufacturers, Tiodize has been developing a variety of protective coatings and sealants to combat the problems of stress, galvanic, chemical and atmospheric corrosions.

A family of aluminum pigmented coatings prevent galvanic and environmental oxidation. Like our other anti-corrosion coatings, they have excellent adhesion qualities, are resistant to fluids and can be applied to a wide variety of materials.

Tiodize coatings listed on this site have been tested and proven in many industries and meet the performance requirements of many various specifications.

Aluminum Pigmented Coatings Oper
Z Heat cured, galvanic corrosion inhibitor for protection of fastening systems and dissimilar metal structures. 500 F Request
Z-20 Heat cured barrier coating containing PTFE but without chromate pigments for reduced installation forces. 600 F Request
ZAU Air cured,low bake, thermal set, 2 part epoxy that prevents galvanic corrosion and is solvent resistant. 400 F Request
ZDA Air cured coating to combat corrosion problems associated with dissimilar metals in field applications. 500 F Request
ZM-40 Heat cured, corrosion inhibiting coating with no chromate pigments for carbon steel 550 F Request
ZY-132 Heat cured barrier coating containing PTFE to allow lower friction for reduced installation forces. 400 F Request
ZT Heat cured corrosion inhibitor designed to withstand oxidation and hostile environments from to 1600 F 1600 F Request
ZY-139M Heat cured, galvanic corrosion inhibitor with an inorganic binder for better adhesion to Monel. 650 F Request

ALUMINUM ANODIZING supplier manufacturer Aluminum Pigmented Coating supplier manufacturer antimicrobial coating supplier manufacturer Dry Film Lubricant supplier manufacturer  Molybdenum Disulfide Coating supplier manufacturer Enhanced ultra-thin chrome process for wear protection supplier manufacturer Low friction and wear resistance without polymers coating supplier manufacturer Mirror-smooth coating eliminates static buildup supplier manufacturer Record-breaking coating for sliding wear supplier manufacturer Superior chemical and corrosion resistance supplier manufacturer THE TIODIZE PROCESS supplier manufacturer Thermal spray for extended wear life coating supplier manufacturer Unstabilized Zirconia Water-Based Concentrate Coating supplier manufacturer Wear Coating SERVICES supplier manufacturer

ceramic crystal glass coating
conformal coating
fire retardant coating
heat resistant coating
lubricant coating
nano coating
polyurea coating
powder coating
printing ink
roof coating
scratch resistance coating
sound damping coating
texture coating
water proof coating
wood coating exteror decoration

texture coating
water proof coating
wood coating exteror decoration